Ian’s Tech Privacy Policy

Updated on March 04, 2024.

Introduction and Summary

Ian’s Tech is committed to enhancing your financial journey through the provision of insightful content. Our official website, located at https://ianstech.com, features a wide array of articles on subjects such as finance, travel, and mortgages.

We prioritize the privacy of our users, a commitment that is clearly outlined in our Privacy Policy. This policy demonstrates our dedication to the protection, security, and confidentiality of your personal and financial information.

Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, we strongly encourage you to review the document to fully comprehend your rights and available options. For further assistance or information, please do not hesitate to contact us at https://ianstech.com/contact/. Our team is readily available to provide clarifications and address any concerns you may have.

Scope of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy, promulgated by Ian’s Tech, delineates the approach we adopt in handling your data during your utilization of our services. Engaging with our Services may encompass accessing our website at https://ianstech.com/ or any other platforms we operate that reference this Privacy Policy, alongside various interactions with our services.

The provisions of this Privacy Policy are strictly applicable to our online endeavors and are crafted for individuals visiting our website in the context of their engagement with Ian’s Tech. It specifically omits the handling of data gathered through offline means or via any methods other than this website.

By accessing and utilizing our website, you explicitly consent to adhere to our Privacy Policy and the associated Terms, which can be found at https://ianstech.com/terms/.

If you discover that our policies and practices do not match your preferences, we kindly ask you to avoid using our Services.

I. Data Collection Practices


Ian’s Tech does not solicit personal information during standard website navigation. Nonetheless, registration is requisite for accessing exclusive materials within restricted sections, necessitating the submission of personal identifiers, including but not limited to, your name, email address, telephone number, and physical address.

The purpose behind collecting such data is to furnish personalized content and verify the authenticity of users, whether individuals or legal entities, thereby enabling tailored engagement strategies.

Furthermore, should you initiate contact with us for inquiries or to address issues, your personal information will be acquired and utilized solely for site management objectives.


In addition to the information directly provided by you for registration or inquiries, Ian’s Tech automatically accumulates both personal and non-personal data during your website interactions.

This data, collected automatically, includes digital identifiers such as your IP address, browser type, details of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), as well as timestamps and browsing behavior, all documented via Log Files.

To enhance user experience and support our marketing efforts, we deploy Cookies and Web Beacons, allowing customization of our offerings to meet your preferences.

Your management of Cookies through your device’s settings is acknowledged; absence of their deactivation implies your consent to their application.


Ian’s Tech, in providing financial market insights, may direct users to our Advertising Partners’ offerings relevant to your interests. Engaging with advertisements on our site entails the sharing of information, such as your IP address, with these partners through mechanisms like Cookies, Web Beacons, and JavaScript to evaluate advertising efficacy.

Control over these Cookies rests with you through your device settings, given that these external technologies are beyond our regulation.

Interaction with advertisements does not establish a connection with the Advertising Partner, and this Privacy Policy solely pertains to interactions directly involving Ian’s Tech.

Our Advertising Partners, including Google with its Dart Cookies, maintain their own privacy policies. We advise consulting these policies on their respective web platforms. Google offers an opt-out for Dart Cookies, detailed within Google’s Privacy Policy webpage.

For the privacy policies of additional Advertising Partners, we recommend visiting their individual websites.

II. How We Use Your Information

The data gathered from our website users is employed in a multitude of ways, all aimed at augmenting your user experience and refining our operational efficiency:

Our primary aim is to ensure the seamless provision, operation, and maintenance of our website, guaranteeing its smooth and effective functionality for your benefit.

We are committed to the ongoing enhancement, personalization, and expansion of our website’s features, tailoring them to meet your specific preferences and requirements.

Analyzing user interaction with our website is crucial. By gauging your usage patterns, we are better positioned to customize our site’s functionality and content, thereby enhancing your overall experience.

Innovation and development stand at the forefront of our efforts. We are dedicated to devising new products, services, functionalities, and features that cater to your evolving demands and keep pace with technological progress.

We ensure direct communication and support, both independently and via our partners. This encompasses customer service endeavors, updates pertaining to the website, and details of marketing and promotional campaigns.

Our email communications are meticulously crafted to align with your interests, encompassing newsletters, promotional materials, and other pertinent updates.

Security enhancement remains a paramount concern. We are actively engaged in identifying and mitigating fraudulent activities to protect the integrity of our website and the security of your personal information.

Welcome to the Cookie Policy page for Ian’s Tech, which you can access via https://ianstech.com/

Understanding Cookies

In line with the practices of numerous professional websites, Ian’s Tech utilizes cookies – small files downloaded to your device – to enhance your browsing experience. This document outlines the types of information collected by cookies, their application by us, and the rationale behind the necessity of storing these cookies. Additionally, we’ll guide you on how to manage cookie storage, though it’s important to note that restricting them might impact the website’s operational performance.

Utilization of Cookies

Our use of cookies serves several purposes, as outlined herein. Given the lack of universal methods for disabling cookies without affecting the functionality they provide, it is advisable to maintain cookie activation unless their purpose is clear and they are deemed unnecessary for the services you utilize.

Disabling Cookies

The configuration of your browser allows for the management of cookies (consult your browser’s Help section for instructions). It’s crucial to consider that inhibiting cookies might influence not only the functionality of Ian’s Tech but also other websites you visit. Restricting cookies often leads to the limitation of certain features and functionalities on this site. Thus, disabling cookies is generally not recommended unless you’re certain of their non-essential nature for the services you engage with.

The Cookies We Set

Account-Specific Cookies

  • Creating an account with us involves cookies for managing the sign-up process and general site administration. Typically, these cookies are removed once you log out, but some may persist to recall your preferences even after logging out.

Login-Specific Cookies

  • To keep you logged in and avoid repetitive logins with every new page visit, we use login-related cookies. These are generally cleared upon logging out to ensure access to restricted features and areas is secured.

Email Campaign-Related Cookies

  • For those who opt for our newsletter or email subscriptions, cookies help in remembering your registration status and deciding which notifications are relevant based on your subscription status.

Survey-Specific Cookies

  • We occasionally provide surveys or questionnaires to gain insights, offer tools, or better understand our user base. Cookies related to surveys remember if you’ve participated or assist in providing consistent results as you navigate through different pages.

Cookies Linked to Forms

  • Whenever you provide information through forms, like those for contact or comments, cookies might be used to retain your information for subsequent communications.

Website Customization Cookies

  • To ensure a personalized site experience, we enable the setting of preferences on how our site operates during your visits. Cookies are essential for remembering these preferences, ensuring your settings are applied whenever you engage with a page influenced by your choices.

Third-Party Provider Cookies

At Ian’s Tech, we occasionally incorporate cookies from reliable third-party sources to enhance your browsing experience. Here’s a summary of possible cookies from external sources that you may come across on our website.

  • Our site employs Google Analytics, a widely recognized and dependable analytics tool, to help us understand user interactions with the site. This aids in improving your user experience by tracking metrics such as your duration on the site and the pages you visit, enabling us to generate captivating content. To gain a deeper understanding of Google Analytics cookies, visiting the official Google Analytics website is recommended.
  • To gauge site usage effectively and continue delivering engaging content, we utilize third-party analytics. These cookies monitor aspects like the time spent on our site and the pages you explore, which assists us in enhancing the site according to user preferences.
  • We occasionally implement new features and adjustments to the site’s delivery. During these testing phases, cookies may be used to provide a stable experience while we gauge which enhancements are most valued by our users.

How to Block Cookies

You have the autonomy to block or disable cookies from any site, including ours, at any time by modifying your internet browser’s settings. Below are links to guidance for the main browsers, assisting you in this endeavor:

To opt-out of personalized advertising from Google, adjust your preferences in Google’s Ad Settings. For opting out of personalized ads from third parties, visit www.aboutads.info, where instructions for managing advertising preferences on various platforms are provided.

III. Commitment to Data Protection

Ian’s Tech refrains from selling user data; however, it reserves the right to share such data with partners to enhance user experiences and inform strategies for products and services. Under the provisions of the CCPA and GDPR, users are afforded the option to opt out of this data sharing.

We uphold stringent security measures in the collection and storage of data, with a dedicated focus on improving user experiences and the development of our services and products.

Acknowledging the inherently unpredictable nature of the internet, Ian’s Tech cannot assure absolute security. In the occurrence of a data breach perpetrated by malicious entities, Ian’s Tech retains the right to pursue legal remedies in response.

IV. Implementing Your Privacy Privileges

1. Acknowledgement of Your Rights

Ian’s Tech acknowledges and upholds your rights regarding your personal information, regardless of your account status with us. It is pertinent to recognize that these rights may vary depending on your geographical location. Different states or regions may accord specific rights concerning personal information to their inhabitants. Therefore, the precise rights you possess in relation to the data we gather and process may differ based on your residency.

2. Policy on Data Retention

Ian’s Tech holds onto your personal details only as long as needed to fulfill our data retention obligations, provide our services, and efficiently manage our business activities, unless you express a desire otherwise. Should you wish to have all your personal data deleted from our records, you are encouraged to communicate this request to us via https://ianstech.com/contact/. Upon receipt of such a request, we will commence the procedure to eliminate your information from our databases, respecting your decision while complying with legal obligations.

V. Rights to Privacy under California Law

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), residents of California are granted particular rights concerning their personal data, rights that Ian’s Tech fully acknowledges and respects.

Firstly, the Right to Know encompasses your ability to inquire about the categories and particular types of personal information we have collected about you.

Secondly, the Right to Delete grants you the authority to request the eradication of your personal information that we have amassed.

Lastly, the Right to Opt-Out of the Sale of Personal Information allows you to demand that we refrain from selling your personal information.

Ian’s Tech is committed to promptly processing your requests related to these rights, with the goal of responding within a month. If you’re interested in exercising any of these rights or have questions about your data privacy, we urge you to get in touch with us immediately.

VI. Rights Under GDPR for Data Protection

At Ian’s Tech, we prioritize ensuring that you are fully informed about your data protection rights. As a user of our services, you are endowed with several rights regarding your personal information.

Firstly, you possess the right to access your data. This enables you to request a review of the personal information we maintain about you. Be advised that a nominal fee may be associated with accessing this information.

Secondly, should you identify any inaccuracies in the personal data we hold, you have the right to request corrections. Additionally, you can ask us to complete any information that may be incomplete.

Thirdly, in certain situations, you have the option to request the deletion of your personal data from our systems.

Additionally, under certain conditions, you possess the authority to limit the manner in which we handle your personal data.

Moreover, in specific situations, you are entitled to challenge our use of your personal information.

Finally, under specific circumstances, you hold the right to ask for your personal data, which we have gathered, to be transferred to a different organization, or directly to yourself.

We are committed to responding to your inquiries and fulfilling requests related to these rights within a 30-day timeframe. Should you wish to exercise any of these rights or have questions regarding your data, we encourage you to contact us directly.

VII. Parental Oversight of Children’s Data

Ian’s Tech is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of young web users and, therefore, purposely refrains from gathering data from those under 13 years of age. We urge parents and guardians to closely monitor their children’s internet engagements.

Recognizing the difficulties in precisely determining a user’s age, we are dedicated to promptly deleting any personal data collected from children once identified.

In instances where parents or guardians discover that their child’s information has been collected, they are urged to inform us immediately through https://ianstech.com/contact/. Upon receiving such notifications, we will take swift action to remove the reported information.

VIII. Future Adjustments to Our Privacy Policy

Ian’s Tech retains the authority to modify our Privacy Policy in response to advancements in technology, legal requirements, or alterations in our business operations. We pledge to inform our users promptly and transparently of any alterations to our policy. To remain informed about our practices regarding the protection of your personal information, we advise you to review our Privacy Policy periodically. It is important to acknowledge that by continuing to utilize our services following these updates, you are agreeing to the amended terms.

IX. Our Contact Information

Should you have any inquiries, feedback, or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, the handling of your personally identifiable information, our data use or sharing practices, or wish to discuss your consent preferences, we encourage you to reach out to us through our contact page at: https://ianstech.com/contact/.